Gender imbalance in housework allocation: A question of time? (2019). Review of Economics of the Household (joint B. Alvarez-Garcia).

Chain heterogeneity and search in online grocery markets (joint with X. Gonzalez) SERIEs, 9(1): 115-139 (2018).

R&D, Worker training and innovation: Firm-level evidence (joint with Xulia Gonzalez and Consuelo Pazo), Industry and Innovation, (2016)

Assesment of support schemes promoting renewable energy in Spain (with F. Castro), Spanish Economic and Finantial Outlook, vol. 5 (3), pp. 79-95, 2016.

Time allocation and women's life satisfaction (joint with B. Alvarez-Garcia), Social Indicators Research, forthcoming (2015)

Admission policies and immigrant skills (joint with Xulia Gonzalez), Applied Economic Letters, 21(17): 1189-1193 (2014)

Labor market rigidities and economic efficiency: Evidence from Spain (joint with Xulia Gonzalez), Labour Economics, 19(6): 833-845 (2012)

Exploring the relationship between children's and parents' housework time in Spain (joint with B. Alvarez-Garcia), Review of Economics of the Household, 10(2): 299-318 (2012)

Estimating complementarity among vertical restraints: Evidence from manufacturing firms (joint with Xulia Gonzalez), Economics Bulletin, 31(4): 3331-3338 (2011)

Learning about one's relative position and subjective well-being (joint with Maximo Rossi) Applied Economics 1711-1718 (2007).

Husbands’ housework time: Does wives’ employment status make a difference? (joint with B. Alvarez-Garcia), Investigaciones Economicas, XXX(1): 5-32 (2006).

Gender-effect in housework allocation: Evidence from Spanish two-earner couples (joint with B. Alvarez-Garcia), Journal of Population Economics, 16(2): 227-242 (2003).

Nonparametric regression testing of regression models: an application to Mincer-type wage equations (joint with Juan Mora), Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 42 477-90 (2003).

Statistical precision of DEA: a bootstrap application to Spanish public service (joint with Jose Gonzalez), Applied Economic Letters, 127-32 (2002).

The consistent estimation of income elasticity of environmetal amenities (joint with M. Rossi and M. Pereira), Revista de Economia (2002).

Small sample behaviour of quantile estimators, Applied Economic Letters, 911-913 (2002).

La transicion de la Universidad al trabajo: una aproximacion empirica (joint with Xulia Gonzalez and Jose Gonzalez), Revista Galega de Economia 177-92 (2001).

Wage inequality in a developing country: decrease of minimum wage or increase of education returns (joint with Xulia Gonzalez ), Empirical Economics, 26(1): 125-148 (2001)

Joint purchasing decisions: a multivariate negative binomial approach, Applied Economics, 937-46 (2001)

Un analisis dinamico de la toma de decisiones de los hogares en America Latina: el caso uruguayo (joint with M. Buchelli and A. Vigorito), Revista de Economia (2000)

The probability that a smoker does not smoke: a note. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 647-56 (2000).

Eficiencia en la Inspeccion de Hacienda (joint with Jose Gonzalez), Revista de Economia Aplicada 203-19 (2000).

Household characteristics and consumption behaviour: a nonparametric approach, Empirical Economics, 409-29 (1997)